Just to be clear, this is the exact order of every single book of the series. By the way, I remembered all of the names of these books lol.

Book 1. The Dragonet Prophecy
(Including graphic novel)

Book 2. The Lost Heir
(Including graphic novel)

Book 3. The Hidden Kingdom
(Including graphic novel)

Book 4. The Dark Secret
(Including graphic novel)

Book 5. The Brightest Night
(Including graphic novel)

Book 6. Moon Rising
(Including graphic novel)

Book 7. Winter Turning
(Including graphic novel)

Book 8. Escaping Peril
(Including graphic novel)

Book 9. Talons of Power

Book 10. Darkness of Dragons

Book 11. The Lost Continent

Book 12. The Hive Queen

Book 13. The Poison Jungle

Book 14. The Dangerous Gift

Book 15. The Flames of Hope

L E G E N D S ~~

  1. Darkstalker (prequel)
  2. Dragonslayer