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Month: August 2024

Great Wings of Fire Incidents

  1. The Great Seawing Massacre. Fathom the animus’ uncle, Albatross, was an animus. Albatross was building a new Seawing Palace that literally grew for, like, 2,000 years. Since it was such a big spell, Albatross went insane. He killed the queen and most of all the royal Seawings, but luckily Fathom was there to stop him.
  2. When Queen Oasis died. 3 scavengers went into the Kingdom of Sand to steal treasure. Queen Oasis had smelled them coming and went out to kill them. Somehow one of the scavengers had killed her instead, one was caught and treated like a pet and one ran away with all the treasure. This cause a huge war between the whole continent, as the three Sandwing sisters were fighting for the crown.
  3. The volcanic eruption on the new Nightwing island. After getting traumatised by Darkstalker, the tribe fled to a secret volcanic island and settled there. Time passed by, and soon, at the same time as the Dragonet Prophecy, the volcano erupted. Most of the Nightwings escaped the explosion, but others weren’t so luck. During this time period, the Dragonets of Destiny learnt that their whole life and purpose was a lie, but they still fulfilled the Prophecy anyways.

I hope this was interesting!

Picture of No.1 below 👇🏼

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Where to buy the Wings of Fire set

Wings of Fire is quite popular, so it wouldn’t be that hard. Here below is a ist of where you can buy them.

  • At the local bookstore. There are many shopping centres where there are multiple bookstores, or just a street shop down the road. I highly recommend it, because bookstores usually sell popular series of books and things that lots of people buy. Wings of Fire would be in the children’s section, fiction section or fantasy. If you can’t find it, ask a staff member.
  • Libraries aren’t the best to look for the books, but then again, they are free to borrow. Most of the libraries I go to don’t really have the type of books I go for, mostly manga, young children’s books, adult books and not very well-sold books.
  • Online. Amazon, Etzy, ect. Online is a pretty good pick if you are looking for a singular book or the whole set. They can be expensive, though, if the book (s) have to be shipped from another country. It can be a bad option, too, because you may not even find the book you’re looking for.

I hope this helped :]!

Series below 👇🏼

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All About Wings of Fire Seawings

Seawings are a type of Wings of Fire dragon.

Seawings are dragons who have blue, green, or (rarely) purple and pink scales. They have a powerful tail and are professional swimmers.

All the ocean-born Seawings can speak Aquatic, a language spoken by lighting up their luminous scales.

The first Seawing we ever meet is an old dragon called Webs, but he isn’t really major to the series, so the most necessary and essential Seawing we meet is a dragonet called Tsunami. She is very ferocious and brave, amazing at fighting and quite loud (taking it to the lowest level).

Tsunami was originally going to become the next Seawing princess until Webs stole her egg from the queen’s hatchery. She grew up in a cave with only a river to help her, not knowing what the outside world was about.

I have also written about Wings of Fire memes, Scavengers, Icewings, Leafwings, Silkwings, Animus dragons, Sandwings and more.

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