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WoF personality look alikes :)

For this post I’ll be comparing similarities between wings of fire characters and characters from other books.







Yeah thats all I can think of rn lol I might add some later 🙂

Rating Different WoF things!

I feel like I have mixed opinions about different characters, books and ideas. So I’m going to create a table based on each rating out of 5 and list my thoughts there.


  • Queen Scarlet and Queen Coral
  • The Moonstalker ship 💀


  • the Winterjou ship 😭
  • Anemone’s personality in Jade mountain Academy


  • Starflight x Fatespeaker ship 🙂
  • Winter and Moon (as a character)


  • Qibli and Kinkajou (as a character)
  • Clearsight when she travels to the lost continent


  • Lynx, Snowfall and Luna (as a character)
  • Wilundew ship!! (guys help im so sry for that ship name 😭)

Ranting about Wings of Fire ANEMONE!!

All right, I guess this isn’t really a rant. It’s more like me complaining and complimenting her at the same time… but who cares.

Anyways, let’s talk about who Anemone is first. She is the second youngest daughter of Queen Coral of the Seawings. Before Tsunami and Auklet came along, Anemone was tied to a harness so she wouldn’t be out of the queen’s sight. She wasn’t allowed to go anywhere alone because Queen Coral was paranoid that she might die.

Now that is what made her ambitious and curious, she wanted to see the outside world. So when Auklet was born, Anemone was let free from her harness and she attended the Jade Mountain Academy.

Now one thing to note is that Anemone was an animus, so she had a huge entitlement on top of her head, sometimes making her arrogant or come off as rude.

So I always kind of disliked her ‘attitude’ because I felt like the way she talked to Turtle and Tsunami and … basically EVERYONE was like … impatient, or irritated, or just… impolite. Like whenever Turtle had a conversation with her Anemone would roll her eyes and not take him seriously.

Back on to with her ‘entitlement’, I guess she always felt like she couldn’t do anything without Coral’s supervision. It was also probably the way she was raised, being treated like the princess she was and having Coral being super overprotective.

She was honestly quite smart in book 9 and 10, helping Qibli and Turtle whenever she got the actual chance. She realised that Darkstalker was not the person she had looked up to, and turned against him in spite.

Anyways, thats all I want to cover for now, so thats the end of this post!

~ wofbot

Wings of Fire Books in Order

Just to be clear, this is the exact order of every single book of the series. By the way, I remembered all of the names of these books lol.

Book 1. The Dragonet Prophecy
(Including graphic novel)

Book 2. The Lost Heir
(Including graphic novel)

Book 3. The Hidden Kingdom
(Including graphic novel)

Book 4. The Dark Secret
(Including graphic novel)

Book 5. The Brightest Night
(Including graphic novel)

Book 6. Moon Rising
(Including graphic novel)

Book 7. Winter Turning
(Including graphic novel)

Book 8. Escaping Peril
(Including graphic novel)

Book 9. Talons of Power

Book 10. Darkness of Dragons

Book 11. The Lost Continent

Book 12. The Hive Queen

Book 13. The Poison Jungle

Book 14. The Dangerous Gift

Book 15. The Flames of Hope

L E G E N D S ~~

  1. Darkstalker (prequel)
  2. Dragonslayer

Create Your Own Dragon!(part 2)

If you’re here right now, you’ve probably read part 1. In the second part, you will identify the looks of your new dragon and the occupation it is.

L O O K S – –

First, we want to think about the colour of the dragon. So depending on the number of siblings you currently have, your dragon won’t be monotone anymore.

0 – 1 siblings – – your favourite colour + the colour black, white, gold or silver.

2 – 4 siblings – – a warm tone + a lighter or darker shade of that.

5+ siblings – – a complementary pair.

Okay, so the base is done. Now we want to figure out the eye colour.

If you were:

Born on an even number – orange, green, purple, brown and white (blind)

Born on an odd number – red, yellow, blue, pink and black.

O C C U P A T I O N – –

Choose the occupation of your dragon based on your own talents.

drawing = artist

singing = celebrity

writing = author

leading = queen/king

eating = food collector/hunter

everything! = teacher

looking = detective

other = whatever job you dreamed of having as a child

M Y D R A G O N ~~

Name – Everest

Gender – Female

Tribe – Icewing

Personality – Moody, sweetheart

Scales colour – dark red and gold (guys i know she’s an icewing 😭 pretend its normal plsss 😭)

Eye colour – blue 😀

Occupation – artist and author

Create Your Own Dragon! (part one)

So for this post, I’m going helping you create your original dragon! At the end, I’ll show you the dragon that I have created with these options below. Hope you like it!!

Note – If you want more than one word in your name, the second word is the last letter of your name. 🙂

N A M E S ~~

Choose your name. Pick the first or last letter of your name and get a name for your dragon! There are multiple options if you don’t like one.

a – Apple, Arson (jk), Angel

b – Bay, Barley, Bane

c – Crown, Carrie, Cherrie

d – Dragonfly, Dewberry, Darling

e – Evergreen, Everest, Everett

f – Fern, Fawn, Flint

g – Garland, Glinda (WICKED!!! ok sorry move on-), Galena

h – Harley, Hibiscus, Horn

i – Iris, Ivy, Inis

j – Jay, Jaz, Jinasi

k – Kora, Kairavi, Kaiko

l – Lix, Lark, Luna

m – Marigold, Mauve, Miro

n – Naomi, Nora, North

o – Olive, Obsidian, Oakleigh

p – Pearl, Pixie, Plum

q – Quartz, Quarry, Quince

r – Rita, River, Rose

s – Summer, Skye, Sierra

t – Twilight (star!), Taylor, Tobias

u – Undine, Umeko, Ursinia

v – Violet, Valli, Valerian

w – Wren, Winter, Wolfe

x – Xilia, Xerus, Xena

y – Yvo, Yuri, Yarrow

z – Zea, Zuri, Zimri

T R I BE ~~

You will identify your dragon tribe! If you don’t know your zodiac sign, here is a chart. Locate your birthday, and you’ll know what element you are.

  • Aries: March 21 – April 19 (Fire)
  • Taurus: April 20 – May 20 (Air)
  • Gemini: May 21 – June 21 (Earth)
  • Cancer: June 22 – July 22 (Water
  • Leo: July 23 – August 22 (Fire)
  • Virgo: August 23 – September 22 (Air)
  • Libra: September 23 – October 23 (Earth)
  • Scorpio: October 24 – November 21 (Water)
  • Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21 (Fire)
  • Capricorn: December 22 – January 19 (Air)
  • Aquarius: January 20 – February 18 (Earth)
  • Pisces: February 19 – March 20 (Water)

Ok, now you know your zodiac element! Find your element and choose one of those related tribes.

Fire: Skywing, Hivewing

Air: Rainwing, Silkwing, Nightwing

Water: Seawing, Icewing

Earth: Mudwing, Sandwing, Leafwing

P E R S O N A L I T Y~~

Find your personality based on your zodiac star sign!

Aires: Brutally honest, passionate

Taurus: Sweet, forgiving

Gemini: Snarky, good at lying

Cancer: Moody, sweetheart

Leo: Calm, observing

Virgo: Humble, sympathetic

Libra: Friendly, outgoing

Scorpio: Loyal, intense

Saggitarius: Curious, optimistic

Capricorn: Persistent, sensitive

Aquarius: Technical, confident

Pisces: Creative, supportive

M Y O C ~~

Name: Everest

Gender: Female

Tribe: Icewing

Personality: Moody, sweetheart


All About Wings of Fire Animus Touched Items

Wings of Fire has many different items that serve purposes. These items are spelled by animus dragons, who are rare dragons that can cast spells on items or living things. Here are a few objects that dragons have cast spells on over the years in the Dragon World.

  • the three dreamvisitors: they allow you to visit the dreams of other people you have seen.
  • the Eye of the Onyx: its basically what holds the Kingdom of Sand together.
  • the Great Wall of Ice: a weapon in the Ice Kingdom that shoots frozen ice into the hearts of non-Icewing dragons.
  • the Enchanted Scroll: Darkstalker used it to contain his animus powers, so that you write a spell in it and it works.
  • Turtle’s sea coral: Turtle enchanted it to find anything he has lost.

Cruel Wings Of Fire Ships

On this page I will list down all the ships that I think are cursed :P. (warning: LOTS of caps.)

  4. Kinkajou x Winter – Ok yes I understand this but like- rEaLlAy??? Why would we WANT this?????
  5. Sunny x Fatespeaker – I like it, but I really ship FATESPEAKER AND STARFLIGHT better.

Ok I’m gonna end it here cuz I’m too lazy 😛 XD

Great Wings of Fire Incidents

  1. The Great Seawing Massacre. Fathom the animus’ uncle, Albatross, was an animus. Albatross was building a new Seawing Palace that literally grew for, like, 2,000 years. Since it was such a big spell, Albatross went insane. He killed the queen and most of all the royal Seawings, but luckily Fathom was there to stop him.
  2. When Queen Oasis died. 3 scavengers went into the Kingdom of Sand to steal treasure. Queen Oasis had smelled them coming and went out to kill them. Somehow one of the scavengers had killed her instead, one was caught and treated like a pet and one ran away with all the treasure. This cause a huge war between the whole continent, as the three Sandwing sisters were fighting for the crown.
  3. The volcanic eruption on the new Nightwing island. After getting traumatised by Darkstalker, the tribe fled to a secret volcanic island and settled there. Time passed by, and soon, at the same time as the Dragonet Prophecy, the volcano erupted. Most of the Nightwings escaped the explosion, but others weren’t so luck. During this time period, the Dragonets of Destiny learnt that their whole life and purpose was a lie, but they still fulfilled the Prophecy anyways.

I hope this was interesting!

Picture of No.1 below 👇🏼

Img 3462

All About Wings of Fire Leafwings

Leafwings are a type of WoF dragon.

They have green or brown scales and have wings shaped like giant leaves. Some of them have also got powers that boost or control plants, a power called leafspeak.

Almost wiped out in the Tree wars, the Leafwings were forced to go in hiding in the Poison Jungle because of how they suspected Queen Wasp when she refused to show Queen Sequoia the Book of Clearsight. The Hivewings resulted this as a war; the Tree Wars.

It was called the Tree Wars because of how Queen Wasp ordered her tribe to burn down almost every single tree on Pantala. This severe deforestation only didn’t reach Poison Jungle. The plants there were mysteriously carnivorous. It ate all the Hivewings and the Leafwings had a little time getting used to the dragon-eating plants. But soon they managed it.

I have also written about animuses, Rainwings, Mudwings, Sandwings and Silkwings.

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