WoF personality look alikes 🙂
For this post I’ll be comparing similarities between wings of fire characters and characters from other books. QIBLI —> KEEFE SENCEN (KOTLC) MOON —> SOPHIE FOSTER (KOTLC) WINTER —> RITZ CRACKER (KOTLC) KINKAJOU —> CINDERPELT/SQUIRRELFLIGHT (WARRIORS) SNOWFALL —> LEOPARDSTAR (WARRIORS) GLORY —> SANDSTORM (WARRIORS) Yeah thats all I can think of rn lol I might…
Rating Different WoF things!
I feel like I have mixed opinions about different characters, books and ideas. So I’m going to create a table based on each rating out of 5 and list my thoughts there. RATED 1 STAR: RATED 2 STAR: RATED 3 STAR: RATED 4 STAR: RATED 5 STAR:
Ranting about Wings of Fire ANEMONE!!
All right, I guess this isn’t really a rant. It’s more like me complaining and complimenting her at the same time… but who cares. Anyways, let’s talk about who Anemone is first. She is the second youngest daughter of Queen Coral of the Seawings. Before Tsunami and Auklet came along, Anemone was tied to a…
Wings of Fire Books in Order
Just to be clear, this is the exact order of every single book of the series. By the way, I remembered all of the names of these books lol. Book 1. The Dragonet Prophecy (Including graphic novel) Book 2. The Lost Heir(Including graphic novel) Book 3. The Hidden Kingdom(Including graphic novel) Book 4. The Dark…
Create Your Own Dragon!(part 2)
If you’re here right now, you’ve probably read part 1. In the second part, you will identify the looks of your new dragon and the occupation it is. L O O K S – – First, we want to think about the colour of the dragon. So depending on the number of siblings you currently…
Create Your Own Dragon! (part one)
So for this post, I’m going helping you create your original dragon! At the end, I’ll show you the dragon that I have created with these options below. Hope you like it!! Note – If you want more than one word in your name, the second word is the last letter of your name. 🙂…
All About Wings of Fire Animus Touched Items
Wings of Fire has many different items that serve purposes. These items are spelled by animus dragons, who are rare dragons that can cast spells on items or living things. Here are a few objects that dragons have cast spells on over the years in the Dragon World.
Cruel Wings Of Fire Ships
On this page I will list down all the ships that I think are cursed :P. (warning: LOTS of caps.) Ok I’m gonna end it here cuz I’m too lazy 😛 XD
Great Wings of Fire Incidents
I hope this was interesting! Picture of No.1 below 👇🏼
Where to buy the Wings of Fire set
Wings of Fire is quite popular, so it wouldn’t be that hard. Here below is a ist of where you can buy them. I hope this helped :]! Series below 👇🏼