If you’re here right now, you’ve probably read part 1. In the second part, you will identify the looks of your new dragon and the occupation it is.

L O O K S – –

First, we want to think about the colour of the dragon. So depending on the number of siblings you currently have, your dragon won’t be monotone anymore.

0 – 1 siblings – – your favourite colour + the colour black, white, gold or silver.

2 – 4 siblings – – a warm tone + a lighter or darker shade of that.

5+ siblings – – a complementary pair.

Okay, so the base is done. Now we want to figure out the eye colour.

If you were:

Born on an even number – orange, green, purple, brown and white (blind)

Born on an odd number – red, yellow, blue, pink and black.

O C C U P A T I O N – –

Choose the occupation of your dragon based on your own talents.

drawing = artist

singing = celebrity

writing = author

leading = queen/king

eating = food collector/hunter

everything! = teacher

looking = detective

other = whatever job you dreamed of having as a child

M Y D R A G O N ~~

Name – Everest

Gender – Female

Tribe – Icewing

Personality – Moody, sweetheart

Scales colour – dark red and gold (guys i know she’s an icewing 😭 pretend its normal plsss 😭)

Eye colour – blue 😀

Occupation – artist and author