Rainwings are a type of Wings of Fire dragon.
Each dragon’s colour is always unique, and nothing is ever dull. From parrot blue to emerald green to sunrise orange— and they shift colour to either match their surroundings or to show their emotions. They also have secret venom in their teeth and that’s how they know who’s related to who since they don’t really do families.
Many dragons think that Rainwings are lazy fruit eaters, and they kind of are, it’s just that certain Rainwings are judged even though they didn’t grow up in the rainforest and eat fruit and sleep. In fact, there is a Rainwing called Glory who is just like that.
Rainwings have this type of sleeping called suntime, which is a type of napping when the sun is the highest. The sun recharges their scales; it makes them prettier, smarter and happier.
They also take turns being queen. Before Glory became queen, it was Queen Magnificent, Queen Dazzling, Queen Fruit Bat, Queen Exquisite and Queen Grandeur. Each queen had a weekness; Magnificent was extremely forgetful, Dazzling was addicted to fruit, Fruit Bat was only using the throne to make herself smell like flowers (she got access to the gardens), Exquisite was obsessed with sloths— she only used her turn as queen to make everyone weave tiny hammocks for the sloths and Grandeur was really old— she also said no a lot. But when Glory won against the queens in a competition, Glory became the best queen. The Nightwings also bowed to her because they needed shelter after their volcano erupted .
The Rainwings are a really peaceful tribe. That is also part of the reason they don’t fight in war— they think killing is barbaric even though all the other tribes do it. But since they don’t fight in war, they are completely oblivious to all the other dragons outside their tribe— they don’t know about the dragonet prophecy and the Sandwing Succession war and that before the Nightwings’s volcano erupted the Nightwings were kidnapping the Rainwings and planning to invade the rainforest with Blister, the smartest of the three sisters fighting for the throne in the Sandwing Succession war.
I also have written all about Wings of Fire Mudwings.
Rainwings (I used Firefly, Glory and Deathbringer’s daughter for this picture I drew)

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